Friday, June 20, 2014

Right of privacy

Every living human person on this planet should have the right of privacy. Privacy, privacy, privacy......privacy. To have something private, to have secret. Privacy is great deal.

We are living  in era where the technology is cheap with greater spying capabilities. Even little babies can be spies today. The technology is cheap and accessible and nobody cares about it. Well at least in the country where i live its like that.

 It's different when you agree something you say, write, draw, photograph create to go public, but what if you don't agree.

What if someone record you and release the audio file to public without any rights or agreement from you. What if the person use that technology to spy you and torture you in any way possible and nobody cares.

Imagine the feeling if you are living in big brother forever, imagine someone is interviewing you forever, imagine you are actor in a movie forever without any compensation without any rest without anything in return.

The right of privacy is the biggest right of them all. Because if someone break your privacy he/she can use information to destroy you. Why should someone have the power to destroy peoples life. Who gave the right to that person to destroy other people life. If someone brake the right of privacy , he/she actually brakes all basic human rights and that's not right, its not a joke.

And even worse if the government and authorities are silent about this kind of stuff. And do nothing, or even don't fight against the people who destroy human rights and help them. It's not right it should never be right.

Think about it, if you don't have privacy if everyone knew everything , every step, every fart, every fucking breath you take. If they know your whole biography but you didn't told them. If they know what you eat when you eat how you eat, when you shower , how you shower ,what clothes you wear how you wear , what you like ,what you dislike. How would you feel how would you live. Privacy is great deal.

Good Decision

Decision, conclusion, resolution. How can i know i made the right decision while i did something. Should i ever try to think about the decisions i made or should i ever have any regrets about my decisions. I think not, i did what i thought it was right in that moment.

The decision i made was right because i made it without anyone forcing me to do it. If i think about it more, if you are normal regular simple person, every decision you make by your own will is good decision. Your decisions are good decisions from your point of view and your perspective. Now from other perspective , other people may approve or disapprove my decisions.

Maybe they have more experience and they can guide me so i don't make mistakes. But who are they to tell me how to live my life. Maybe i want to make mistakes. The best way to learn something is from failures and errors and mistakes or from experience.

Nobody should tell us what to do when to do it how to do it or why to do it(whatever we are doing anyway).Whats a good decision by my way of thinking. Every decision that you, yourself, your brain thinks is right is good decision.