Monday, September 29, 2014


There are several famous and delicious dishes, foods out there in the world that everyone could try. May that be the most famous which is pizza, that every person in the world knows about, tortillas, spaghetti, moussaka, baklava, bolognese or else that many people praise and enjoy. 

One of those foods that as they say in our country “ligi da ti potecat”  (saliva to leak) is favorite choice of many, and that is lasagnа. 

According to wikipedia lasagnа is an Itаlian dish made of several layers of lasagnа sheets and in between there are other ingredients. Which could be different kinds of meat, tomato or other kind of sauce, sausage, cheese, different vegetables, onions, potatoes, oregano, garlic and other.

Also the most quality and tasteful lasagnа has some great quality ingredients. For example some of the top quality cheese like ricotta, mozzarella or parmigiano and the  most important part in the lasagnа making is the sauce, which some people keep secret because it gives the lasagnа it’s main flavor and makes people amazed.

There are three theories on the internet of the origin of lasagnа. 

The first one is that it comes from ancient greek dish called “laganon” which is flat pasta dough cut into strips.

The second one is that comes from the roman dish called “lasanum” which means cooking pot. 

And the third one is that this dish was invented by an English recipe called “loseyn” in 14th century during the reign of Richаrd II.

However the first modern recipe was created in Nаples, Itаly and there it became a traditional and very delicious italian dish. 

From Itаly lasagnа came to America with the italian immigrants that immigrated to look for better life in bigger more developed country. From America the recipe for this dish spread across the whole world. 
And now everyone in every place in the world prepares some kind of lasagnа.

How did lasagnа get so popular is unknown. But maybe the comic book or the cartoon character Garfild had some influence on the popularity of this dish, by constantly requiring certain amount of lasagnа or lasagnаs to be given by his master.

There are hundreds restaurants which serve this kind of special dish lasagnа. Each of them with different kinds of sauces and ingredients that gives it’s different taste and special flavor, depending on the people that eat and the chef that is preparing the dish.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Great Music Youtube Channels

1.Mr Doom
2.Obey The Riff
3.Mr Can't Block My Vids
4.Stoned Meadow Of Doom
5.Mr Stone Believer
6.Stoner Rock Mafia
7.Doom Lord
8.Driam's Vynil
9.Didi Heavy
10.Blazefire Bootlegs

Independent Living Space

By independent i mean disconnecting your home from everything that influence the life in that space. Which means producing everything you need in your home, the electrical power, food, water and clothing. Maybe that's not so great if you are alone, or it will never work if you are a loner. Or maybe it can.

Socialization is not that big deal in independent house. We could live with our friends and share the knowledge and work for everyone that is living in that independent living space.

As we see the technology is developing in rapid way. Who knows what technology could we expect to see in the future. Probably we won't see flying cars yet, but new way of producing electric energy or some kind of other energy that could help us work or improve our lives is possible.

Somewhere on the internet i read before that some guy actually made this come true. And made himself a self sustained island. That had everything you need for normal life. Which is ideal place to live.

Now the only thing that makes this difficult for the independent home is the water, food and clothing.

Ok we could say food and clothing are less important, because there are ways we could produce some kind of food in our garden, and we could learn to make clothing or use the technology we have to produce nice clothing for us.

Now the biggest problem that enslaves the independency of this home is the water. The solution is collecting rain and the filtrate it to make drinkable water. But still water is number one problem in all this.

Now all those things are expensive and not ready for normal person to use. In the future probably, maybe this could be possible and everyone will have it's own independent living house.


Monday, September 22, 2014


How do i imagine the freedom of a person. To be independent to work for your own living. Work with your own hands and eat with your own fork.

To get total freedom you need to live in the wilderness.

To get some freedom you need job with good pay that allows you to get food, clothes, living space and every basic stuff. And with the rest you do everything you want. The money you earn gives you the freedom.

War and Peace

One of the best Tolstoy books which i read and i wasted a lot of time. I liked every bit of it because the writer describes every detail of the scenes of the human characters and the time when Tolstoy lived and wrote the master piece.

He pays a lot attention to details of the human character spirit and morals. He mostly writes about the human emotion and struggle to survive. The war, when person completely changes and realise that there is nothing worse.

Emotion and physical breakdown while watching friends die alongside, fighting for the same cause, protecting the country or attacking the country. By listening to their leaders.

The essence of war which is money. Money can solve everything if there is enough is good, if there is excess is better for those who have excess. If there is lack of it, people struggle to get hold of it, by any means. Which will turn into violence

Another part is the peace where people live lives in harmony without violence. Most of them have enough of every basic human need. That's when people enjoy in the stuff they earned.


Imagination, inspiration

Imagination and inspiration, i think these are the most important stuffs in education. And in today's education these two stuffs are neglected or are lacking the proper care.

Maybe because people are preoccupied with politics, earning money for living or something else i don't know.

Imagination and inspiration is the firm ground on which the culture is built.

We may not forget about the real life we live in, that real life functions on different rules and regulations than any imagined thing. That life is shit.

Imagination is like a playground where i and maybe some of the fools that follow me, rest , feel safe and comfortable and let the worries go away.
That's what every movie creator, musician, writer or an artist does. Or beginner does.

Where do you find inspiration for creativity. From movies, books, music, arts. Everything that surround us, nature, people. Other artists inspire other artists, those other inspire the first and other. We all inspire each other. Or the biggest inspiration where we get is in our life.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Music Sound and Quality

The battle between the analog and the digital sound. I think the analog sound in the form of vinyl record still is better to listen and enjoy. Even the vinyl rips uploaded on youtube sound better. Now the only thing that a vinyl record lacks is the transportability and durability of the compact disks.

Why vinyl records lost it's popularity? Like everything else, people lost interest. they cannot recognize difference between two sounds or they don't really care much about how does it sound. Because some people are not listening music to enjoy it, or they do not know how to enjoy the music.

Yes compact disks may be better for storing computer software and programs, movies etc., but music sounds better of a vinyl record. Quality of the music is determined by the quality of the sound you hear not by the quality of the material the compact disk or the vinyl record is made of.

Maybe i like it's sound  (the sound of a vinyl record) because of the music which was made in time when compact disks, internet, computers, internet didn't existed, mostly rock and blues music. Some of that music was never made on a compact disk or on a new modern way.

Rock and blues music is more human. Athmosphere, emotions, thinking, energy.

Right now everything in the world, is in big crisis. The movie industry, music, tv everything it has too much glam, emotionless, mindless, uncreative stuff.