Monday, September 22, 2014

War and Peace

One of the best Tolstoy books which i read and i wasted a lot of time. I liked every bit of it because the writer describes every detail of the scenes of the human characters and the time when Tolstoy lived and wrote the master piece.

He pays a lot attention to details of the human character spirit and morals. He mostly writes about the human emotion and struggle to survive. The war, when person completely changes and realise that there is nothing worse.

Emotion and physical breakdown while watching friends die alongside, fighting for the same cause, protecting the country or attacking the country. By listening to their leaders.

The essence of war which is money. Money can solve everything if there is enough is good, if there is excess is better for those who have excess. If there is lack of it, people struggle to get hold of it, by any means. Which will turn into violence

Another part is the peace where people live lives in harmony without violence. Most of them have enough of every basic human need. That's when people enjoy in the stuff they earned.


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