Saturday, September 27, 2014

Independent Living Space

By independent i mean disconnecting your home from everything that influence the life in that space. Which means producing everything you need in your home, the electrical power, food, water and clothing. Maybe that's not so great if you are alone, or it will never work if you are a loner. Or maybe it can.

Socialization is not that big deal in independent house. We could live with our friends and share the knowledge and work for everyone that is living in that independent living space.

As we see the technology is developing in rapid way. Who knows what technology could we expect to see in the future. Probably we won't see flying cars yet, but new way of producing electric energy or some kind of other energy that could help us work or improve our lives is possible.

Somewhere on the internet i read before that some guy actually made this come true. And made himself a self sustained island. That had everything you need for normal life. Which is ideal place to live.

Now the only thing that makes this difficult for the independent home is the water, food and clothing.

Ok we could say food and clothing are less important, because there are ways we could produce some kind of food in our garden, and we could learn to make clothing or use the technology we have to produce nice clothing for us.

Now the biggest problem that enslaves the independency of this home is the water. The solution is collecting rain and the filtrate it to make drinkable water. But still water is number one problem in all this.

Now all those things are expensive and not ready for normal person to use. In the future probably, maybe this could be possible and everyone will have it's own independent living house.


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