Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mind power vs muscle power

Mind power vs muscle power.What will win? I think it depends. In direct confrontation physical strength will win. Although not always. Mind can't survive without muscle and muscle can't survive without mind.

In the future people will probably relay only on their mind. Human made only of brain. Or maybe will use our knowledge to improve our muscle, we will become The Borg. Or maybe we will become higher form of existence and become some kind of electric particle beings and share our thoughts without talking, on some weird electric telekinetic way.

I don't know for sure this is only my imagination talking. But the future is in our mind, without mind we have no future.

So is the pen mightier than the sword, is the written word stronger than the steel. I think it is or if it's not now, in the future it will be. Because to make the steel we first have to have idea and to think about how shall we make it. And then write down all those thoughts and start creating. To build house, we think about how shall we build it, we draw sketches and the start building.

I don't want to ignore the essential muscle power that is required to build house. In the future we may probably use robots, androids that will build the house. Until then there must be some kind of balance between muscle and mind, that can enable us to think and to realize all those thoughts (creative thoughts) and ideas into subjects and actions.

And the final conclusion is "The pen is truly mightier than the sword"


  1. I wanted 2 go against mind power. But d conclusion was d opp. Anyway it was good

  2. i totally agree that mind power is greater than muscle power

  3. i totally agree that mind power is greater than muscle power

  4. i totally agree that mind power is greater than muscle power
